We are an international ministry network across the United States.

How We Started

Our international student ministry started in 2003, when we noticed a special window of opportunity to reach out to international students, as many of them come to the US to study from all over the world.

Number of International Students in the US Per Year

What Motivates Us

Although there are over a million international students, many of them suffer great challenges here. Our heart goes out to as many international students feel lonely, isolated, and separated by cultural and language barriers. They have a dire need, as many are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Mt 9:36)

Behind the statistics, there is a unique person and story for every international student studying in the U.S. We seek to understand the individual challenges and needs of each student and meet them where their greatest needs are.

Who We Are

We are an Acts 2 community of both Americans and former international students who have a heart for the nations through the college campus. Most of us are ordinary, co-vocational ministers who yearn for the Great Commission to be fulfilled through every believer being called into ministry. Our hope is that as international students experience God's love through a modern day Acts 2 church, they would catch our vision to disciple and launch future kingdom workers to continue in the harvest work.

Our Aim

Support international students in their journey of investigating Christianity.

Many international students have never had access to the Gospel before. We wish to love them with the love of Christ and invite them to study the Bible with us.

Create a home away from home.

International students face unique challenges when coming to America, and we try our best to meet their needs, love them through generous hospitality, and form a community where they can learn about different cultures while feeling at home.

Become a resource for anyone who wants to do international ministry.

Jesus said, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few". Our goal is to equip more harvest workers to go share God's love to the nations.